Man Adopts Entire Feline Family: One Cat and Kitten Just Wouldn’t Do!

Guy Plans to Adopt a Cat and a Kitten but Can't Leave the Rest of Litter Behind, So He Takes Them All

A man had the idea of adopting just one cat and a kitten, but he couldn’t bear to leave the other kittens from the litter behind. As a result, he ended up taking all of them home with him.

cat mom kitten snuggles

Mark Dwyer met Fancy, a tuxedo cat, at the Exploits Valley SPCA. Fancy had arrived at the shelter earlier that year with a pair of kittens and was pregnant with a second litter. Despite her circumstances, Fancy caught Mark’s attention with her playful and affectionate nature. Mark was charmed by her actions, such as grabbing his fingers with her teeth to pull them back in for more cuddles. He was so taken with Fancy that he made a promise to himself to come back and adopt her once she was ready for a forever home.

sweet tuxedo cat

Mark recently lost his cherished cat, Cuddles, who had been his companion for 19 years. The void left by Cuddles was filled when he found Luna, a tortoiseshell cat that reminded him of his late feline friend. Luna brought light and joy into Mark’s home, prompting him to seek out a playmate for her to cuddle with. Moved by the lack of interest in adopting mother cats at the SPCA, Mark decided to rescue one of them, solidifying his bond with Luna even more.

cat mom kitten snuggles

Mark Dwyer had to be patient in his wait to bring Fancy home, as she needed time to care for and wean her kittens first. While he was excited about adopting Fancy, he couldn’t help but feel the urge to bring home not just her, but also one of her kittens.

sweet tuxedo cat

When Mark went to the shelter to see Fancy again, the loving mama dog welcomed him back with open arms as if he had never been away. As he looked at the new kittens, he couldn’t resist the charm of Sage, a cute solid gray kitten. But then Lilli, a tuxedo kitten, also captured his heart in an instant. Mark just couldn’t bear to leave her behind, so he ended up adopting both of them. (The other kittens from the previous litter had already been adopted by loving families.)

gray kitten fluffy

Mark ultimately decided to adopt the cat mother along with all three kittens from Exploits Valley SPCA. However, as he was in the process of finalizing the adoption, he couldn’t help but notice a tiny black and white tuxedo kitten among the litter. Despite being eight weeks old, the kitten was significantly smaller than her siblings, only reaching the development stage of a four-week-old kitten.

cat mom kitten snuggles

Sweet Pea and LilliMark Dwyer had a special place in their heart for the underdogs, especially runts like Fancy. Determined not to leave her behind, they also decided to take along all three cats from the shelter. The atmosphere was filled with happiness and excitement as they embarked on their journey towards a fresh start together.

man adopts 3 kittens

Lilli, Sage, and Sweet Pea were the adorable trio that Mark Dwyer had the pleasure of looking after. Sweet Pea, the little tuxedo cat, turned out to be quite the handful as she refused to eat anything but her mother’s milk. Mark worked diligently with Fancy to make sure Sweet Pea was well-fed, monitoring her weight, taking her to the vet, and even caring for the rest of the family when they all caught a stomach bug.

snuggly kittens bed

Mark Dwyer shared that after some challenging days, the medication helped calm Fancy’s system and she started eating again. She made it through and is now a little purring machine. Fancy and her kittens are thoroughly enjoying their new life, filled with delicious food, belly rubs, and countless cuddles.

fluffy snuggly kittens

Mark Dwyer
Luna has been welcomed into their group, and they frequently cuddle up together, enjoying the spacious bed for naps.

tuxedo kitten sleeping

Luna ended up caring for the kittens like they were her own babies. The shelter revealed that their original adoption plan quickly turned into a loving bond with all the animals, making it impossible to separate them from each other.

kittens sleeping on lap

Spread the word about this heartwarming tale of a close-knit family. Follow Exploits Valley SPCA on Facebook for more inspiring stories like this one. Check out the story about a cat finding comfort in a dog’s care for her six kittens after they were brought to the shelter.

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