Rescue of a Tiny Stray Kitty Bound by Tape: A Heartwarming Tale of Compassion from Two Kind Samaritans

Stray Kitten Struggling With Tape Roll Around His Neck Rescued By Two Giant-Hearted People

It is unfortunate that stray cats endure a tough life on the streets. The situation is especially difficult for small kittens who are vulnerable to various dangers. Valentine is one such kitten whose story is truly touching and heartwarming.

In a neighborhood in California, concerned residents came across a stray kitten in distress. The poor little one had a tape roll stuck around his neck, making every movement a struggle and every meal a difficult task. The silent suffering of Valentine was truly heart-wrenching.

cat with tape rolls on neck

Despite numerous failed attempts by others to catch him, a frightened little kitten eluded capture. In a stroke of luck, Kimberly Saxelby and Chris Gattas decided to take matters into their own hands and rescue the vulnerable feline. After an hour-long chase, they successfully utilized nets to capture the elusive kitten.

ginger cat in cage

But it wasn’t until the team got closer that they noticed the severity of his injury. The tape looked like it had been there for ages, emitting an unbearable smell. Kimberly revealed to LoveMeow, “We initially thought there was a deceased animal nearby, but it was actually the stench of his decaying flesh and infection from his neck.”

tape rolls around cats neck

Taken aback by the dire state of the kitty, the team hurried to Rancho Cucamonga Animal Shelter to ensure his safety without delay. Little did they anticipate the heart-wrenching scene that awaited them. Upon gently removing the tape from the kitty’s neck, the vets discovered the deep wounds it had inflicted, leading to serious injury and infection. The poor feline was visibly suffering and in distress. Reflecting on the heartbreaking moment, Kimberly expressed, “I was brought to tears thinking about the immense pain and suffering this poor, gentle cat endured for so long.”

veterinarian helping cat to take off tape rolls

The veterinarians quickly sprang into action, conducting an urgent surgery to repair and heal the wound. They carefully stitched up every inch of his neck to restore the torn skin and prevent any more pain for the poor kitty. Thankfully, the operation went well, and the little feline began his healing process. He was blessed with a new lease on life and given the heartwarming name of Valentine.

cat recovering

Kimberly was overjoyed to witness her friend feeling better, finally free from pain. She went ahead and set up a special Facebook page to document his progress and keep everyone informed. With a genuine desire to see the adorable ginger boy fully healed and content, generous animal enthusiasts contributed donations to help expedite his recovery process. Kimberly happily reported, “The great news is that he’s healing well and enjoying his meals, hooray! Please continue to send positive vibes and prayers his way, as he still has a challenging journey ahead, but he’s proving to be a resilient little fighter.”

cat peeking

As time went on, Valentine’s health began to improve. His hunger came back, and he was able to eat and drink without any obstacles. Even though his progress was more successful than anticipated, his mood still seemed low. He continued to be hesitant and a little cranky, understandable considering all he had been through. Kimberly explained, “We caught him, which was frightening for him, then placed him in a crate and took him to the shelter for surgery. Waking up in pain and in a kennel, it’s no wonder he’s not a happy cat right now.”

cat laying still

The shelter provided Valentine with a feral box to help him feel more secure, and they started looking for a foster parent to care for him. After staying briefly with Kimberly’s friend, Valentine found a new home with April Glatzel. In this new environment, he seemed frightened once more and sought refuge in the bathroom, choosing the sink as his hiding spot.

cat sleeps in a sink

April displayed patience and empathy towards Valentine, recognizing that trust doesn’t develop overnight. She respected his need for personal space and gave him the freedom to adapt at his own pace.
While she maintained her distance, April made sure Valentine felt supported and cared for. Kimberly expressed her joy at witnessing Valentine taking a significant step forward by sleeping next to April, a sign of his growing trust in her. This heartwarming progress even brought tears to Kimberly’s eyes, reflecting the positive impact April had on Valentine.

cat in her bed

Valentine was slowly but surely warming up to the love and attention surrounding him, taking small but noticeable steps towards opening up. Before long, his curiosity as a cat began to show, showcasing the mischievous and playful side he had been hiding. With a playful peek from behind the bathroom door, he was keeping a close watch on his human friend, revealing his true colors.

cat peeking behind door

Finally, Valentine decided to venture out of his comfort zone and began to wander around different rooms in the house. His curious nose led him to new and exciting findings, like the realization that the sink was definitely not as cozy as the couch. Kimberly couldn’t contain her excitement as she observed Valentine’s increasing confidence, saying, “Isn’t he just the most adorable thing, getting all snuggled up on the couch? Valentine is really starting to come out of his shell and learn to trust bit by bit, and this moment is just one example of his progress.”

cat watching at camera

Over time, Valentine’s initial fear began to diminish. While still wary, he was no longer the skittish cat who avoided human contact. Through gentle affection and kindness, April was able to win over Valentine’s heart and break down the barriers he had put up. As their relationship grew stronger, it became evident that Valentine belonged in April’s home. Kimberly joyfully announced, “Valentine has finally found his forever home with his foster mother April Glatzel, who cares for him deeply and has worked tirelessly to help him regain trust in humans.”

cat relaxing

The cat who used to be wary of people is now doing well in his new home with April and other feline companions. He loves snuggling with his owner and craves belly rubs. April says, “Valentine sleeps with me every night without fail. He’s so loving and even meows to communicate with me, especially at meal times. He’s definitely made great progress!”

cat napping

What initially appeared to be a promising foster success story, instead unfolded as a foster disappointment, ultimately leading to a heartwarming conclusion.

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