In just a few days, an outdoor cat in a carrier experiences a remarkable transformation and thrives in its new home

Cat Left Outside in a Carrier Completely Comes Around and Shines within Days in a Home

A cat that was left outside in a carrier quickly adapted and flourished within days after being brought into a new home.

cat snuggling blanket man

Slater, the cat, was found abandoned in a carrier on the sidewalk by the Brooklyn Kitty Committee earlier this month. The poor feline was terrified and frozen in fear at the back of the carrier. Thanks to the approximate location provided, the kind folks at Greenpoint Cats joined forces with the rescue group to help locate him. The community came together to assist in the search for the scared cat. After hours of sitting in the carrier, the door was opened, but Slater was too frightened to come out. Volunteers Sawyeh and Amber quickly arrived on the scene to offer their help and support.

cat in carrier outside

Slater was discovered abandoned in a carrier outside Greenpoint Cats. The staff then carefully placed the frightened feline in the carrier and promptly took him to Greenpoint Vet Care. Throughout the journey to the clinic, Slater remained motionless and silent, shrinking into the corner of his carrier.

The vet noted that Slater was a young male cat who had not been neutered. It is a sad reality for many cats like him to be cast away onto the bustling streets of New York City once they reach the age where their behaviors and scent become noticeable as an intact male.

scared rescued cat carrier

He was extremely frightened, cowering in the corner throughout the entire Greenpoint Cats rescue operation.

The proposed solution seems simple enough: spay or neuter the cat. However, the reality is that there are limited options for affordable spay/neuter services in New York City, and communities in need of these resources often lack access to them. There is a clear need for more spay/neuter resources and increased advocacy efforts to address this issue.

The rescue team affectionately named the cat Slater and carefully removed him from the carrier soaked in urine. They cleaned him up and took him to the vet, but he was so terrified that he kept squirming away from their attempts to comfort him with pets.

shy rescued cat

Whenever someone tried to offer him affection, he would shy away and move out of reach. Despite his cautious nature, he never showed any signs of aggression or hostility. His gentle demeanor and longing for love were evident in his eyes. With a few gentle chin scratches and a meal, he slowly started to trust and warm up to those around him. When his rescuers came back to visit, his eyes sparkled with joy, and he welcomed them with a soft and sweet meow.

rescued cat clinic

Thanks to some good food and plenty of chin scratches from the volunteers at Greenpoint Cats, Slater slowly began to build up trust. A kind couple heard about Slater’s story and decided to foster him, providing him with a safe and quiet space to relax and adjust. In this new environment, Slater’s whole demeanor improved – he walked with more confidence, sought out attention from his foster parents, and seemed much more at ease exploring his surroundings.

snuggly cat gives kisses

After a short time in his foster home, Slater transformed into a affectionate and loving companion. He quickly became a cuddle bug, eagerly seeking out snuggles on the couch with his humans. He loves to curl up beside them, showering them with kisses and happily falling asleep tucked under a blanket with his foster dad.

snuggly sleeping cat belly

He enjoys snuggling with his foster parents from Greenpoint Cats. Whenever they both lie down next to each other, he snuggles up in between them and happily rolls onto his back, showing his belly – a sure sign of his trust and comfort, all set for a cozy nap.

cat drinking tap water

It has been revealed that Slater enjoys quenching his thirst from the faucet at Greenpoint Cats. Additionally, it has been found that he adores wrapping his paws around his humans and giving their hands a good grooming session. His way of expressing affection involves lots of hugs and kisses.

cute cat hugs arm

He enjoys taking care of his humans, providing them with affection and care. The uncertainty of the past has been replaced with a sense of happiness and excitement for a fresh start. Slater now thrives in the company of people who shower him with love and attention.
He happily purrs as he cuddles up to his humans, drifting off to sleep to the soothing rhythm of their heartbeats.

cat snuggly blanket

Don’t forget to spread the word about the adorable Greenpoint Cats! For more cute updates, follow Slater and the gang on Instagram. Big thanks to the Brooklyn Kitty Committee, as well as Sawyeh and Amber for their support. Check out this related heartwarming tale: A cat finds a loving home with a couple after waiting 848 days since he was just a tiny kitten.

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