Surprise Kitty: A Unique Bundle of Joy Joins the Litter, Defying Expectations of Family Resemblance

Cat Shocks Everyone By Giving Birth To An Unusual Kitten That Was Nothing Like The Rest Of Her Babies

“Unattractive.” “Disgusting.” “What is that thing?”
People often react with shock and disbelief upon meeting Possum, a unique feline with grey fur, sparse hair patches, and a tail resembling that of a rat.
It bothers me when individuals feel the need to make insensitive remarks without understanding the full story.

photo of possum the ugly cat

Conversely, some individuals sympathize with Possum, assuming she has a skin condition like mange or has suffered burns. It would be best if they refrained from jumping to conclusions and instead familiarized themselves with Possum’s true backstory. So, without further ado, here is the scoop on Possum!

photo of possum sleeping

Don’t judge a book by its cover, and the same goes for Possum and her looks. Thanks to Stephanie, she was able to find a caring owner quickly, leading her to discover the meaning of genuine love.

photo of possum wearing a towel

Stephanie gushes about how flawless Possum is, describing her as the most stunning feline, both in appearance and character. However, what led to this surprising reaction? What was Possum’s story before capturing everyone’s hearts?
Possum originated from a litter of kittens born in Stephanie’s colleague’s backyard in central North Carolina.

cute photo of possum sleeping

After discovering the kittens, Stephanie’s colleague quickly realized that the mother cat was wild and took on the responsibility of caring for both her and the newborn kittens. Upon closer inspection, she was surprised to see that all the kittens shared the same traits as their mother – short-haired coats with a distinctive calico pattern.

possum the cat wearing a sweater

One of them stood out from the rest – a gray kitten with hardly any fur, who was later named Possum. The mystery surrounding her appearance led to the theory that she could have inherited recessive genes from a werewolf cat like a Lykoi breed. This unexpected trait certainly set her on a unique path.

photo of possum with another cat

Before long, every kitten from the litter had been adopted into loving families, leaving only one behind – Possum. Unfortunately, no one seemed interested in giving her a forever home. Stephanie and her partner at work were troubled by this, fearing that Possum would be euthanized or left indefinitely in the shelter.

possum the ugly cat

While contemplating what to do with Possum, Stephanie found herself growing more attached to the little cat. Despite already having a full house, she ultimately made the decision to adopt Possum and welcome her into her family. Stephanie shared, “I just couldn’t shake the feeling that she wouldn’t have made it if she ended up elsewhere. Living in the South, cats aren’t always seen as beloved pets. I’ve heard too many heartbreaking stories of cats being targeted for cruel treatment. Some people in this area even deliberately try to harm them. The lack of spaying and neutering in the community has also led to a large feral cat population issue.”

possum the ugly cat wearing a sweater

I believe it was fate that brought them together, and I’m happy that they found each other. If Stephanie hadn’t welcomed Possum into her home, who knows what would have happened to her. One thing is certain – this unconventional-looking cat would have never experienced love if it weren’t for Stephanie.

photo of possum with her owner

Stephanie noted that due to Possum’s appearance, she was unsure if her chances of being adopted were high. However, Stephanie’s decision to give Possum a chance paid off, as Possum has thrived in her new, loving home. Despite her unique appearance, Possum is just like any other cat and is full of love and affection.

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