Rescuer’s Astonishment: Discovering a Family of Dogs in an Abandoned Home

Rescuer Was In Shock When She Found A Canine Family In An Abandoned House

Rescuers encounter heartbreaking situations on a daily basis, where animals, particularly dogs, are in desperate need of help. Regardless of the circumstances, these compassionate individuals always step up to provide aid to the helpless creatures.

Recently, Kristen Gamble, one of the founders of One Mutt At a Time Rescue in Riverside, California, stumbled upon a social media video shared by a neighbor. The video depicted a dog family stranded in an abandoned house following the death of their owner. Without hesitation, Kristen sprung into action and rushed to the site in Phelan, California to rescue them.

The living conditions in the house were beyond appalling, but Kristen’s determination to help these animals never wavered. She knew that she had to act quickly to save them from their dire situation.

messy house

Before entering the house, Kristen made contact with the homeowner’s daughter. Despite being in poor condition herself, the daughter allowed Kristen inside and showed her around the house. Although Kristen had already seen the chaos in a video shared by a neighbor, seeing it in person left her in shock. However, what truly broke her heart was the condition of the dogs found inside.

“The state of the house was beyond belief,” Kristen recounted to Rocky Kanaka. “The dogs had been left alone in there for six weeks and were extremely underweight.” She learned that the neighbor who had posted the video had been feeding the dogs during the last week, but he eventually realized that the situation was dire and reached out for assistance.

“The conditions in the house were unbearable for the dogs,” Kristen explained. “The floors were so saturated with urine that it felt like they might cave in.” As the neighbor had put up a barrier to keep the dogs confined to the upstairs, Kristen and the rescue team cautiously made their way up the stairs towards the sounds of the dogs whimpering and barking.

mother dog feeding many puppies

Upon arrival, they were welcomed by a heartwarming sight – nine adorable puppies, accompanied by their mom and dad. The rescuers observed that the mother appeared to be a Shepherd mix, while the father seemed to be a mix of Corgi and Husky. Although not certain, they estimated the puppies to be approximately six weeks old, indicating that they had spent their entire lives in this terrible environment. With no identification on the dogs, the rescuers opted to give them temporary names – Klara for the mother and Kolbi for the father.

two very sweet dogs

After enduring a lengthy period in a difficult situation, Klara and Kolbi, along with their children, were at last embarking on a journey towards a brighter future, all thanks to the kind-hearted individuals who offered them a new chance at life.

two dogs in a car

After arriving at the rescue center in Riverside, California, the dog family quickly found a new place to call home thanks to Kristen’s dedication to their well-being. Vanessa Traufler-Samarripa, a close friend and volunteer at One Mutt at a Time, generously agreed to take all 11 dogs in, despite already looking after 10 foster cats and four dogs. Kristen’s persistence in securing a brighter future for the canine family paid off, as they now had a loving foster home to care for them.

Three very cute puppies

Source: One Pup at a Time Rescue Foundation, Inc.
The sight of the puppies filled her with joy, their eyes brimming with love and optimism. And seeing the parents happy again, knowing their children had a brighter future, was an added bonus that warmed her heart.

two adult dogs on a leash

While they may still be waiting for their forever homes, we have no doubt that this family is meant to be together and will soon experience their own heartwarming stories. It’s just a matter of time before they find their perfect match.

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