Guide me to your boss! Funny encounter as two dogs get startled by a robotic ‘extraterrestrial’ Halloween prop

Champ, a five-year-old Husky and Eskimo mix, and Tyson, a three-year-old Husky and Golden Retriever mix, were not too thrilled when their owner, Kelly Boccieri from NYC, introduced them to a robotic alien Halloween decoration. The dogs cautiously approached the 2ft-tall animatronic figure, barking continuously and showing their disapproval. Despite Kelly’s attempts to reassure them, the pups remained unimpressed and even caught their dramatic reaction on camera, leaving her in fits of laughter.

Champ, five, and Tyson, three, were caught on camera cautiously approaching the 2ft-tall animatronic

Owner Kelly Boccieri, a social media influencer from New York City, USA, could not control her giggles at their dramatic reaction as they clambered on the sofa

Champ, a five-year-old, and Tyson, who is three, are curious as they slowly approach the 2-foot-tall animatronic figure in their New York City home. Champ’s expression shows his confusion at the sight of the ‘alien visitor’.

The Husky and Eskimo mix and Husky and Golden Retriever mix seemed dubious as they stared fixedly at the mechanical toy

The Husky and Eskimo mix along with the Husky and Golden Retriever mix appeared unsure as they gazed intently at the mechanical toy. As they cautiously approached the robot, Kelly playfully introduced it as their new ‘friend’. However, the Huskies displayed doubt in their expressions as they observed the animated toy. When Kelly activated the robotic alien, it produced a series of robotic sounds that startled the timid dogs. Reacting in fear, they quickly retreated and began barking from a safe distance behind the sofa. Despite Kelly’s reassurance, the Huskies remained hesitant towards the unexpected visitor with its glowing green LED ‘eyes’.

Kelly then turns the robotic alien on, which prompts a series of automated sounds, much to the distress of the timid pooches

Tyson approaches the robot and sniffs it tentatively but the Huskies remain undecided about the unexpected visitor

Kelly activates the robotic alien, causing a string of mechanical noises to fill the room. The timid dogs are unsure how to react to this unanticipated guest, showing signs of distress.

The pair of pooches have their own Instagram page, @halfhuskybros, which boasts more than 160,000 followers

The two pooches have a popular Instagram account called @halfhuskybros, with a massive following of over 160,000. Kelly shared a funny moment when they came home with Halloween decorations and the dogs seemed to think they had a new friend. Kelly found it hilarious and enjoys seeing how her dogs react to different things. The pair of furry friends are quite the online sensations with their own dedicated fan base.

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