Lonely Pooch Finds Freedom and Joy After Ten Years Tethered Near a Precipice, Reacts Emotionally to Compassionate Humans

Pup Who Spent 10 Whole Years Leashed Near A Cliff Tears Up When He Finally Sees Kind Hoomans

In a sea of heart-wrenching dog stories, this one is sure to tug at your heartstrings. Maru, the lovable protagonist, has endured unimaginable hardships that would make anyone weep. If he could speak, he would surely wish for a different life, despite the fame he has garnered.

For ten long years, Maru was tethered in isolation near a perilous cliff, suffering from neglect and loneliness. But through it all, he clung to the hope that a brighter future was possible. Despite enduring years of solitude and heartbreak, Maru’s unwavering spirit reminds us of the power of resilience and hope.

Abandoned dog sleeping next to its shelter

Maru’s tale starts fourteen years ago when he was a tiny puppy. He was purchased at a steep cost by his first owner and was part of the family for four years. But then, things took a turn for the worse!

When a new owner took over Maru’s care, he was kept tied up outside. This poor pup could never have imagined that he would spend most of his days confined in this way.

He was tethered on a short leash in a small shelter that doubled as his home. The structure was positioned so close to a cliff that his life was in jeopardy each day.

Cute neglected dog

“We have come across many abandoned dogs in our years, but this one particular spot was especially heartbreaking. The tiny structure, just a shelter to the dog, was perched dangerously close to a cliff,” shared the rescue team on their social media.

Maru endured years taking cover under a flimsy piece of metal that served as his only roof. Seeking refuge from the harsh elements, he also had no choice but to relieve himself in that same spot.

Upon learning about Maru’s plight, the compassionate individuals at WEACT sprang into action, launching a daring rescue operation. What struck them the most was the realization that Maru had been surviving on his own out there for years, without anyone to care for him.

Neglected dog smiling

@we.a.c.t shared the heartwarming story of Maru, a senior dog who had never experienced the comfort of a true home for the past ten years. When the rescuers finally found him, they were surprised by his warm welcome and joyful demeanor. It was as if Maru was trying to convey his loneliness and longing for companionship. This unexpected interaction with Maru brought hope and happiness to all involved.

Sweet dog in a box

The team quickly picked up Maru and brought him to their facility in a kennel. As they drove to his new home, Maru was visibly nervous, but all his worries disappeared once they arrived at the rescue. He eagerly devoured a large bowl of dog food, showing just how hungry and thin he really was, despite his deceiving fur. His multiple layers of fur gave him the appearance of being overweight, like a fluffy armor. After a grooming session, another heartbreaking sight was revealed.

Shaved dogs fur

@we.a.c.t posted a heartwarming story about Maru, a tiny dog whose fur had been tangled for a decade until he was finally rescued. As the matted fur was removed, it revealed a skinny little pup who needed to gain at least fifteen pounds to reach a healthier weight. Maru bore the physical evidence of his tough life with scars, missing teeth, and a diagnosis of stage-2 heartworms. Despite his challenges, Maru showed immense love and affection, grateful to be far away from his previous living conditions.

Shaved dog sleeping

@we.a.c.t mentioned that Maru still has a journey ahead of him, but his caretakers are committed to providing him with all the support he needs. Their top priority right now is to ensure that Maru feels comfortable and loved. Taking care of Maru during his senior years is an honor, and the WEACT team is fully dedicated to making it a memorable experience for him. “Maru is now a part of our family. We are determined to keep him happy and safe in a warm environment,” they assured.

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