Meeting a Frightened Lab Motivated a Lifelong Rescuer to Save a Stray Dog for the First Time

Hooman Who Never Rescued A Stray Dog Decided To Do Just That After Meeting A Terrified Lab

Helping an animal in need brings a rewarding sense of joy to every rescuer. It is such a heartwarming feeling that many people have made it their life’s mission to care for animals. Follow along as we share the heartwarming tale of Kaitlin, who had the opportunity to show a stray dog the true meaning of love and compassion through her rescue efforts.

Black dog with tongue out

Kaitlin had never experienced the joys of rescuing a stray dog and giving it a second shot at a happy life. So, when she spotted a lost pup braving the cold outside, she saw it as the ideal opportunity to finally understand the rewards of helping a furry friend in need.

black dog with red leash

Despite her lack of experience, Kaitlin thought it would be a good idea to begin by giving the stray dog some treats in an attempt to establish trust and help the dog feel more at ease. When this approach didn’t immediately work, she decided to introduce her own dog, Gracie, into the mix. “Gracie ended up being the key to getting them to connect from afar. I feel like we’re on the right track, so I’m determined to keep trying,” she shared with The Dodo.

two black dogs with bandanas

Four weeks had passed since Kaitlin first encountered the stray Labrador. Despite her best efforts, she still needed to gain his trust. Determined to make progress, she made a plan to spend time with him and her dog, Gracie, on the porch each afternoon, hoping he would eventually come closer to her.

It wasn’t until several weeks of these patient encounters that he finally allowed her to pet him. For Kaitlin, it was a rewarding moment that made all her hard work worthwhile.

After learning that the dog was not microchipped, she made the decision to provide him with his own collar and bring him into her home.

woman walking two dogs

The Bashyboy had a new task on his hands. With the pup, now referred to as Bash, used to living outside all his life, he was unsure of how Bash would take to being inside the house.

dogs cookie

She made the decision to place him in Gracie’s crate, only to realize that the puppy was clueless about its purpose. “We set up a personalized crate for Gracie, but he managed to climb out and escape through the bars,” she explained. Bash was also unfamiliar with the concept of toys, opting to play with socks and shoes instead.

black dog laying on the floor

At times, Kaitlin questioned whether Bash would be able to adapt to being a household pet, especially when she returned home to find him having destroyed the blinds. But despite this, she resolved not to give up on him, a decision that ultimately turned out to be the right one.

As time passed, Bash gradually acclimated to his new surroundings and started to grasp the concept of being a domesticated dog. “I knew that investing time, effort, and patience into rescuing him was worth it. Now, Bash is truly thriving and living his happiest life,” she shared.

Dog and bread pillow

A journey from clueless to caring: Kaitlin went from not knowing how to help a stray dog to giving it the ultimate doggy paradise. Witnessing the incredible change in the pup filled her heart with pure happiness. “To those facing a similar situation, my advice is to have faith in the process and never give up. Adopting a stray may not come with a manual, but the joy it brings is truly priceless,” Kaitlin shared.

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