Terrified Pooch Overcomes Fear of Human Contact to Enjoy Belly Rubs for the First Time

Severely Traumatized Pup Scared Of A Human Touch Discovers Belly Rubs For The First Time

For any dog rescuer, there is no greater joy than witnessing the remarkable transformation of a canine they have rescued from a tough situation.
When the compassionate team at Howl Of A Dog first came across Mina, her situation seemed utterly bleak. This poor little pup was on the brink of despair, battling sickness and paralyzed with fear.
Every day, Mina would tremble in terror at the sight of anyone coming near her. However, in a matter of weeks, her fate was to take a turn for the better – all thanks to a single act of kindness!
The Heartbreaking Tale of Mina

puppy being rubbed

From the moment Mina was rescued from the city pond, it was clear to her rescuers that she was absolutely terrified. She shook with fear at any attempt to comfort her. It was apparent that this poor dog had been through some serious trauma that had left her afraid of people. To make matters worse, Mina also had various health problems that needed urgent attention.

cute dog sitting

According to Howl Of A Dog, Mina was in a dire state when they found her – she was extremely thin, had mange, an intestinal infection, was anemic, dehydrated, and barely able to walk. On top of all that, she was emotionally traumatized and scared of everything. However, once she was brought to the facility, her journey to recovery took a surprising and inspiring turn. Despite the odds stacked against her, Mina not only managed to overcome her health issues but also transformed into a new, confident dog. Now, she enjoys belly rubs and her story of resilience continues to touch the hearts of many.

happy dog

In the beginning, Mina faced some tough times adjusting. She took her time, gradually getting to know new people and furry friends. However, with some affection, medication, and visits to the vet, this sweet pup began to open up. Slowly but surely, she started socializing with other dogs and even let her caretakers give her pets. It was a major milestone for all involved, and the sight of Mina wagging her tail for the first time in ages was truly priceless.

puppy getting belly rubbing

Title: A New Beginning for Mina

In the blink of an eye, Mina transformed into a whole new pup, relishing the joy of being with her furry pals. Playing in the backyard with her canine buddies, her beaming smile spoke volumes about how much she savored every moment.

However, nothing compares to her undying love for belly rubs! Initially struggling to place her trust in humans after being rescued, Mina’s world shifted when her caretakers showered her with gentle belly rubs.

As her past trauma gradually melted away, Mina now fully relies on her humans, eager for the next chapter of her life. It’s clear that Mina, the perfect girl, has finally found her perfect home.

two black dogs

Exciting updates came in at the Howl Of A Dog shelter just a few months later – Mina found a lovely new home with Kathleen, Mattis, and their dog, Alma. It had been a tiring and challenging road, but she now has a brand new family who accepted her with open arms.

puppy on the beach

Mina is embracing her new life with joy, playing endlessly with her larger sibling, going on daily trips to the beach, and embarking on exciting adventures with her loving family.

According to her rescuers, Mina has settled in well at her new home and adores playing with her big sister, Alma. They are amazed by the incredible transformation she has undergone in recent months and are thrilled that she has found a wonderful forever home.

Witnessing Mina thrive in her new environment, filled with love and happiness, is a heartwarming reward for those who rescued her. To the Howl Of A Dog team, Mina is a living proof of the incredible change that can happen when people come together with compassion and determination.

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