The Echoes of Two Sapphire-Eyed Kittens’ Calls Reverberated through the Enchanted Woods, Aching for a Listener

Loud Cries Of Two Blue-Eyed Kittens Echoed Throughout The Forest In Hopes Someone May Hear Them

In a spooky forest hideaway not far from the outskirts of Chicago, two little kittens were left behind by their mother. Covered in grime, grass seeds, and gooey tree sap, they meowed hungrily for food and their missing mom. This wasn’t just a tale of woe, but a harsh truth. Rescued from the forest, these sweet kittens were taken to a nearby shelter. This is the beginning of their journey from the forest to a loving foster home.

too cute kitten

Forests are known for their mysterious whispers and mystical beings, like the ones we often hear about in fairytales. However, sometimes even real-life forests can surprise us with strange sounds.

One tranquil day in a forest sanctuary near Chicago, the peaceful atmosphere was suddenly disturbed by a loud cry from a feline. The cry was so intense that it traveled through the entire forest until it caught someone’s attention.

The source of the loud cry was Burr, a cute black kitten, and her sleek silver-black brother Bug. Once they were found, they were quickly brought to a nearby shelter for help.

cat with blue eyes

The kittens at the shelter were in need of urgent care as they had been separated from their mother for some time. Unable to stay at the shelter, a compassionate foster mother named Alyssa stepped in to provide them with the care they needed. Alyssa shared adorable photos of the kittens on her Instagram, mentioning that they were estimated to be around 3 weeks old and in need of round-the-clock care. Despite facing some health issues initially, with Alyssa’s care, they were quickly on the road to recovery.

brown kitten

Alyssa’s Instagram followers were overjoyed when they laid eyes on the adorable faces of Burr and Bug, with many expressing interest in adopting them in the future. Who could resist their charm? I, too, would have jumped at the chance to bring them home!

The progress of the kittens continued as they were lovingly cared for by their foster mom. After a week and a half of bottle feeding, it was time for them to transition to wet food. Alyssa shared on her Instagram, “Bug and his sister have officially graduated from the bottle and are now dedicated carnivores! Today, Bug got to taste some kitten churu (also known as kitty crack) for the first time, and it was absolutely precious.”

kitten licking

After going hungry in the forest for days, little Burr was overwhelmed when she finally got to eat meat instead of kitten formula. She got a bit carried away and was caught suckling on her brother. While this may seem cute at first, it can actually have serious consequences if not addressed. The kittens being suckled on can develop injuries and stress, while the suckling kittens may experience digestive issues.

In Burr’s case, she ended up with an upset stomach and diarrhea, leading to her being separated from her brother for a while. Thankfully, Alyssa was able to find the right antibiotic for her, and now she’s doing much better. It’s heartwarming to see a kitten playing and eating happily after overcoming a medical issue.

cute brown cat

When Burr finally recovered, she and her brother were joyfully reunited. As they grew older, their unique personalities began to shine. After spending a month with their foster mom, the once timid kittens from the beginning of this tale had completely blossomed. Alyssa excitedly updated her Instagram followers, exclaiming: “Bug and Burr, the charming duo of a Siamese and a black cat, are now fully-fledged mini felines! They’re climbing, wrestling, and constantly begging me for treats… but luckily, they still haven’t mastered the art of jumping out of their playpen. And honestly, I’m not complaining one bit.”

two cats with blue eyes

The loud meows of the two blue-eyed kittens echoed throughout the forest, hoping someone would hear them.
I highly recommend checking out Alyssa’s Instagram and following her journey in rescuing kittens. She is truly making a difference in helping cats in need and deserves all the support she can get.
Even if we can’t rescue a cat directly, we can always show our support to those who are making a difference.

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