The Heartbreaking Story of a Teenage Dog Left Behind and Facing Euthanasia Due to His Family’s Relocation

13-Year-Old Dog Was Abandoned And Almost Euthanized Because His Family Was Moving

After living with a family in New Jersey for thirteen years, senior dog Jake faced the possibility of being homeless when his family had to move and couldn’t bring him along. The heartbreaking alternative of euthanasia hung over him if no one would intervene. Luckily, Uncle Neil’s Home, a sanctuary for farm animals in New Jersey, stepped in to provide Jake with a safe haven. When they saw him in person, their hearts broke even more as they witnessed the neglect and hardships that this sweet boy had gone through. This is Jake’s story of heartbreak and healing.

old dog laying on a rug

In December 2023, Uncle Neil’s Home received a distressing call from a woman who planned to put down her 13-year-old dog if they couldn’t take him in or find him a home within a week. In response, the sanctuary urgently reached out on social media in a bid to secure a foster home promptly.

Founder Rian Feldman shared with Newsweek, “I got a call late one evening from a woman in need of rescue for her 13-year-old dog, as she was relocating and considering euthanasia if no home was found. I was appalled by this and wasted no time spreading the word on our social platforms, appealing to our community for help in finding Jake a foster home to save his life.”

Thankfully, a compassionate couple named Valerie and Chris from Maryland stepped up to offer assistance and provide a loving environment for the elderly dog. The sanctuary swiftly coordinated the handover, revealing the heartbreaking truth about Jake’s neglected living conditions over the years.

Feldman recounted, “They barely bid him farewell. They simply shouted ‘bye Jake’ from the car window and sped away, after 13 long years. It was evident that Jake had been severely neglected. He struggled to walk, couldn’t even descend from the vehicle, and we had to coax his previous owners to assist him down.”

old dog walking on a leash

At Uncle Neil’s Home, a farm sanctuary, a 13-year-old dog named Jake was in a dire state, barely surviving. The poor pup was clearly suffering from arthritis, lacked proper care, and had never even had a bed before. Despite the heart-wrenching situation, his surrender might just be the turning point for Jake, as he received an outpouring of love and care in just 24 hours. Now, he is on the road to recovery, with his first vet appointment revealing a long list of health issues that need to be addressed. But with the love and care he is receiving now, Jake is finally on the path to a better life.

old dog and woman standing

At Uncle Neil’s Home, a farm sanctuary, Jake arrived with numerous health issues including severe osteoarthritis, muscle atrophy, cracked teeth, and more. Despite his challenging condition, he was not even neutered. The sanctuary wasted no time in starting treatment to address his various ailments.

With the help of a loving foster family, Jake began to show progress within just a few days. He received proper medication and care, which greatly improved his quality of life. Surgery was needed to remove a mass on his testicle, treat bladder stones, and neuter him. Additionally, dental work was necessary to address his dental problems.

Fortunately, Jake successfully underwent his first surgery and is now recovering well in his foster home. The staff at Uncle Neil’s Home are optimistic about his future and hope that he will find a forever home with his foster family.

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