The Tale of a Corgi’s Forgotten Family

Family Debarks Corgi, Then Heartlessly Abandons Him Just Two Weeks Later 

I can’t help but ponder if there will ever be a time when animal cruelty will cease to exist. Every day, there are heartbreaking reminders of the cruelty some individuals inflict on our beloved furry friends. Watson’s story shed light on the disturbing practice of debarking, where a dog’s vocal cords are surgically altered to silence them. Watson’s tragic experience highlights the inhumane treatment that some animals endure in the name of control.

woman holding corgi

Theresa Jack, who hails from Utah and has been a devoted Corgi owner all her life, welcomed Watson into her home when he was three years old. Determined to share his story with the world, she took to TikTok to shed light on the hardships he endured.

Before finding his forever home with Theresa, Watson belonged to another family who made the cruel decision to have him debarked. According to PETA, this procedure involves the removal of a significant amount of laryngeal tissue and causes immense postoperative pain.

The practice of debarking not only inflicts physical suffering but also has a profound psychological impact on animals by robbing them of their natural means of communication. They lose the ability to express emotions like joy, pain, and fear through sounds.

After his previous family moved to an apartment where Watson’s barking caused noise complaints from neighbors, they were faced with a choice by the housing complex: debark Watson or risk having him removed.

smiling woman with corgi on sofa

“The family chose to debark their dog two weeks before ultimately deciding to rehome him. This led to the sad reality that the dog lost his ability to bark and his family in the same month,” Theresa shared in a video on TikTok. She admitted that she had refrained from criticizing the family’s decision to debark Watson for years, but she could no longer ignore the negative impact it had on the dog. “How can a being cope with such a devastating loss?” Theresa questioned, a sentiment that resonated with me. In his previous environment, Watson was never known to display aggression or bite. However, since losing his voice, he has resorted to snapping and biting to communicate his needs.

Theresa shared that Watson is now required to wear a muzzle while out in public to prevent any potential harm to others. She mentioned, “I can sense his frustration. When humans can’t talk, we rely on hand signs and gestures. When dogs can’t talk, they resort to using their teeth.” This situation has led to Watson’s Law being proposed to prohibit the debarking of animals.

corgi in woman's arms

Theresa is on a mission to bring attention to the debarking procedure and its impact on her beloved dog. She strongly believes that Watson did not deserve to go through it. While six states already have laws in place restricting debarking in certain situations, Theresa and Watson believe it should be outlawed nationwide. “Living with Watson’s debarked condition is one thing, but seeing the heartbreak in others when they hear his story is another. That’s why I knew it was time for a change, so I started a petition,” Theresa explained.

girl holding happy corgi

Theresa took the initiative to start a petition in Utah to stop debarking of animals and ensure that housing developers cannot mandate it. The petition has already gathered more than 75,000 signatures, showing strong support for the cause. “Watson lost his voice, so now it’s up to me to be his advocate,” Theresa expressed.

She aims to see Watson’s Law approved by 2024, but more importantly, she hopes that sharing Watson’s story will encourage pet owners to reconsider putting their dogs through such a procedure.

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