“Thumb-Sporting Kitten Saved from Euthanasia: A Second Shot at Life”

Kitten About To Get Euthanized Because Of His Thumbs Gets Another Chance At Life

When deciding to add a cat to your family, you have the option of adopting from a shelter or purchasing from a breeder. If you have a specific breed in mind, reaching out to a breeder is the next step. It is essential to thoroughly research the breeder to ensure the cats are well cared for and living a happy life. This is crucial for the well-being of the cats. For example, once a man brought a cute white kitten to a vet clinic with the request for euthanasia, and Kim Soldan’s husband was working at the clinic at the time.

man holding cute white kitty

Credit: mojito_rose_family

As soon as he found out, he quickly grabbed the kitten from the man. But the reason behind this poor kitten’s euthanization really got me fired up. This tiny feline had a genetic mutation known as polydactyly, meaning he had an extra thumb on his paws! The breeder didn’t see any profit in him, so they decided to put him down. Isn’t that just terrible?

cute little kitty

Kim’s husband surprised her by bringing home a kitten they named Skywalker. Once Skywalker settled into his new home, he soon realized how awesome his new family was. He found himself with a bunch of furry siblings, both dogs and cats. One special dog named Mojito was a therapy dog who took her job very seriously. Mojito immediately took a liking to Skywalker and started looking after him with great care. Luckily, Skywalker was more than happy to have such a caring companion.

golden retriever with kitten

Credit: mojito_rose_family
Their bond was immediate, and Mojito
refused to leave his side.
She showed him the art of bird-watching from the window, the joy of cuddling, and the ultimate cat nap positions.
Even with other siblings around, Skywalker always had a soft spot for his beloved sister.

kitten plays with dog

Unfortunately, shortly after being diagnosed with cancer, Mojito was unable to overcome the illness despite her owners and Skywalker’s efforts to provide her comfort and two surgeries performed by the doctors. Kim, Mojito’s mom, shared on Instagram, “Run freely, Mojito. A part of our hearts has departed, leaving a void that can never be filled. We are grateful for the wonderful 8 years we had with her.”

dog and cat sniffing each other

Skywalker was deeply affected by the loss of his best friend, Mojito. She was there for him from the beginning and even stayed by his side every night. Kim shared a video update on Skywalker, revealing that he struggled so much with the loss that he required medication. Thankfully, his new sibling, Bellini, was there to offer him comfort and hopefully help mend the void in his heart.

adorable cat laying on her back

I’m thrilled that Skywalker was rescued on that day. Thanks to Kim’s husband, this special little buddy now gets to live his best life! Share the love!

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