Guess who is the H๏τtest woman of all time? According to Men’s Health magazine in the US, it is Jennifer Aniston. Jennifer tops the Top 100 list, which includes the likes of Grace Kelly, Demi Moore, Elizabeth Taylor, among many other headliner names.

All of us most know for her role in one of the most successful TV comedy franchises ever: the incredibly engaging Friends, in which she played the part of Rachel Green. The magazine’s citation for putting her on top of the heap is as follows

Guess who is the H๏τtest woman of all time? According to Men’s Health magazine in the US, it is Jennifer Aniston. Jennifer tops the Top 100 list, which includes the likes of Grace Kelly, Demi Moore, Elizabeth Taylor, among many other headliner names.

All of us most know for her role in one of the most successful TV comedy franchises ever: the incredibly engaging Friends, in which she played the part of Rachel Green.

The magazine’s citation for putting her on top of the heap is as follows:

“Funny is Sєxy, and Jennifer Aniston is funny—she was invited to join Saturday Night Live before her big break with Friends. Her down-to-earth persona makes her seem attainable, and anyone who’s seen her in Office Space has to admit she makes even pieces of flair look good.

She rarely plays the airhead, and she seldom overplays a role: she’s funny in a quiet, refreshingly human way. And her all-too-human love life off screen inspires sympathy that not even a string of bland romantic comedies can diminish.

Other Sєx symbols drift toward one-dimensionality, becoming flat icons in the process, but throughout her career Aniston has remained Sєxy, funny, and unmistakably real.”

This is another feather in the cap for Jennifer who has won several Emmys, Comedy, and Golden Globe Awards, and has in recent times moved on to film production too.

Surprisingly, India’a Aishwarya Rai Bachchan figures in the list at No 44 even though she has not had a major American hit so far, but her exotic beauty places her there.